
To implement 52+ tools and features of the Soulfy program?
Website and account creation in 10 seconds.

* For system stability and user convenience, all Soulfy product packages do not include CPANEL access, but do include access to the backend of the microsite.


1 Website including Domain, Hosting, ready to use. Beginner-level Soulfy technology features at a very affordable price.
*NOTE: Does not include 1-year Blitzscale tutorial program and WASHOP Online Store tutorial.
*Self Learning mode.

STANDARD [$125] *recommended

All STARTER KIT features + 1-year Online Blitzscale Tutorial Class + WhatsApp-based Online Store (WASHOP).
*NOTE: Washop must be accompanied by Blitzscale
*Full Support

Premium Package, SOULFY GO [$312]

All Soulfy STANDARD features + setup of all content, social media links, marketplace integration, SEO, profile, articles, pages, free LOGO, WASHOP store, Directory
*Full Support


"Recognized by the public"

Thanks to the soulfy.com webset team who always make my website famous and my products like Kerupuk Palembang 202 known to the public
*Pak Manto, KerupukPalembang202.com

"Remote yet accessible to the outside world"

In an area where it’s very difficult to get an adequate internet signal, we can still show our presence through the website technology and learning provided by the Soulfy team
*Marinus Kosay, PanganHortiWamena.com

"Six long years already"

Initially, I knew nothing about the online world. However, it doesn’t feel like it’s been six years using this technology. The experience has brought changes to my life and my business in Raja Ampat, Papua. Soulfy keeps innovating, and that’s what I like.
* Ruben Yikwa, RajaAmpatHoliday.com


1. Automatic classroom space each time you log in to the web, Blitzscale Soft Skill program (Branding, Scaling, Funding)

2. A Gold Trophy award system for completing the Blitzscale program and Web rating

3. Branding reinforcement program

4. Sales multiplication / Scaling program

5. WASHOP (WhatsApp Shop) online store

6. WhatsApp Contact Database gathering feature (WASHOP)

7. Visitor and Sales Potential Graph feature (WASHOP)

8. Feature to download monthly or yearly Washop contacts (WASHOP)

9. Feature for personal or others' Spotify RSS Feed list to be listened to on Soulfy web

10. Domain name of your choice, 1 year.

11. Hosting (Dedicated server), 2GB, 1 year.

12. Creation in less than 1 minute/ web.

13. Filling out in less than 15 minutes/ web (not included).

14. 3 Free Emails with domain name.

15. Icon menu feature without editing.

16. Status Update feature like Social Media.

17. Photo upload feature via mobile/pc.

18. Automatic BRANDING photo gallery feature.

19. Photo Slider feature.

20. Feature to display web content by Timeline (based on posting time)

21. Article writing feature for initial web engagement.

22. Email contact form feature.

23. Feature to post Youtube video links on Soulfy web.

24. Automatic Youtube video gallery feature.

25. Youtube video slider feature in the video gallery.

26. 7 External social media links .

27. Feature to create MULTI-FUNCTION PAGES with fast loading, unlimited, for SEO.

28. Business Card display feature, emphasizing a legitimate physical address.

29. 3 Custom Menu features to any external site in additional menu buttons, with icons.

30. Owner login feature via mobile/ pc.

31. Feature to easily change the web background photo from mobile/ pc.

32. Feature to change Profile/Logo photo via mobile/ pc.

33. Feature to activate/deactivate Washop.

34. User-friendly main page SEO tool feature for Page 1 Google searches, Free.

35. Call Center support feature, 24 hours, with a LO (SouLO).

36. Feature to change menu button color.

37. Feature to change Page color.

38. Feature to update Soulfy web version at any time.

39. Free SSL feature.

40. FOLLOW, FOLLOWING Soulfy web feature, like Instagram.

41. Feature to post Soulfy web status to Twitter account.

42. Feature to pull status from Twitter to the Soulfy web timeline.

43. Feature to upgrade Soulfy web to custom web (SoulfyX.com).

44. 3 SEO Tag features on Main Web and PAGE feature.

45. Feature to add descriptions and Internal Links to the Photo Gallery.

46. Multi Photo Gallery feature in Washop.

47. Classification feature for Business categories for directory listings.

48. Hybrid Landing Page feature [profile + funnel landing page].

49. Funneling feature to gather Washop contacts via "Like" photo button.

Brand or Trademark

One of the three triggers for digital conversion nowadays

Price or Price Range

The second secret to achieving conversion

Support or After-Sales

Previously email, now honest social media

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